Tiranga Game App

How to use Tiranga Game App

1. Before joining Tiranga Games, please Click “Sign Up Now” to enter to the registration Screen

                                                                                           Tiranga Games Registration

2. Write your valid mobile number.

For Android Devices

  1. Open Google Play Store:
    • Unlock your Android device and open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Search for Tiranga Game:
    • In the search bar at the top, type “Tiranga Game” and hit the search button.
  3. Select the Tiranga Game App:
    • From the search results, find the official Tiranga Game app and tap on it to open the app details page.
  4. Install the App:
    • Click the “Install” button. The app will start downloading and then automatically install on your device.
  5. Open the App:
    • Once installed, you can open the app directly from the Play Store by tapping “Open” or find the app icon on your home screen or app drawer and tap to launch it.

For iOS Devices (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Open App Store:
    • Unlock your iOS device and open the App Store app.
  2. Search for Tiranga Game:
    • Tap on the search tab (magnifying glass icon) at the bottom, type “Tiranga Game” in the search bar, and hit search.
  3. Select the Tiranga Game App:
    • From the search results, find the official Tiranga Game app and tap on it to open the app details page.
  4. Download the App:
    • Tap the “Get” button, then confirm by tapping “Install.” You may need to enter your Apple ID password or use Face ID/Touch ID to authorize the download.
  5. Open the App:
    • Once the app is downloaded and installed, you can open it directly from the App Store by tapping “Open” or find the app icon on your home screen and tap to launch it.

Alternative Method: Direct Download from Website (Android)

  1. Visit the Official Website:
    • Open your device’s web browser and go to the official Tiranga Game website.
  2. Download the APK:
    • Look for a direct download link or button for the Android APK file and tap it to download.
  3. Allow Unknown Sources:
    • If prompted, enable the option to install apps from unknown sources in your device’s settings (Settings > Security > Unknown Sources).
  4. Install the APK:
    • Once the download is complete, open the APK file from your notifications or file manager and tap “Install.”
  5. Open the App:
    • After installation, find the app icon on your home screen or app drawer and tap to launch it.


  • Ensure Sufficient Storage: Make sure your device has enough storage space to accommodate the app.
  • Stable Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection to avoid interruptions during the download.
  • Check Compatibility: Verify that your device meets the app’s compatibility requirements.

By following these steps, you can successfully download and install the Tiranga game app on your Android or iOS device.